
美酒与谁共尝?With Whom do You Share Your Fine Wine?














With Whom do You Share Your Fine Wine?

Fayuan Qin

2017 was the 7th year since the foundation of Spring of Heart, and also the 15th year since I devoted myself to charity. One of the things that inspires one to keep doing something and enjoy it is the renewing of ones heart, to find something fresh from what one is doing. I have came to appreciate the depths of these stories: There once was a farmer who believed that the treasure he desired lay hidden in a barren field. Joyfully selling everything he owned, he bought the field and worked the land until the treasure was revealed. There once was a merchant seeking precious pearls. Upon discovering one of great value, he sold everything he had to purchase it.


In the underprivileged communities we serve, there are parents who can’t care for their children as they struggle to make a living, parents chained by bad habits, broken families, and kids with behavioral problems. I believe, and I have indeed found in them the hidden treasure and pearls.


When at midnight my coworkers and I looked for children who ran away from home, the pain, frustration and anger nearly tore us apart; when we counseled broken families, the despair almost drove us to give up…But the hope of finding that pearl kept us going. The result proved that we did uncover the pearl, or at least caught a glimpse of its brilliance.

I also came to realize that fine wine doesn’t have to be poured into fancy cups for people to taste its sweetness. I remember when my friends and relatives met in my house this year, one of them brought a bottle of expensive liquor. However, there were no wine glass at home. In high spirits, we shared this bottle in paper cups and bowls! I’m grateful for having a group of like-minded co-workers: they have great ideas, professional skills and are well-educated in various fields, but don’t trade their talent for worldly gain. Instead, they are willing to spend their youth on and share their knowledge with people who can’t afford to pay the bills.


I gradually see that I’m also a worn-out cup, yet one filled with fragrant wine! My beloved friend, where is your treasure hidden? With whom do you share your fine wine? May these words encourage your heart. 












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